

「Come in!(いらっしゃい)」


There is a talk show on NHK called “Actor’s Studio.” In this program, it has become a tradition to ask the guest ten questions at the end.

When the famous film director, Steven Spielberg, appeared on the show, the final question was this:

“What would you like God to say to you when you arrive in heaven after you have passed away?”

Up to that point, many of the guests who received the same question answered that they would like God to say, “Come in!” Spielberg, however, gave a rather unique response.

スピルバーグ監督は、天国で神様には、 こう言って迎えてもらいたいそうです。



スピルバーグ監督は映画製作のとき、 自分独自の力で作っているという気がしないそうです。

自ら何かを発想するというよりも、 常に神の声に耳を傾けようとしていたというのです。



なので、神様には「よく自分の声に耳を傾けてくれたね」 そう言って迎えてもらいたいのです。

ちなみに、ジョン・レノンは、 詞のインスピレーションが生まれたときに、 「神さま、ありがとう」と言っていたそうです。

一流のアーティストには、作品は「作りだすもの」ではなく 「いただくもの」という意識があります。

古くは、有名な話ですが、モーツアルトは楽器じゃなく、 頭に浮かんだ旋律を楽譜に書き落とすという作曲方法でした。

それはまさしく天から音楽が自分の頭の中に降りてくるようだった、 とモーツアルトは語っています。


参考本:Happy 名語録 ひすいこたろう、よっちゃん(三笠書房)


Director Spielberg wishes that in heaven, God would say to him:

“You really listened well.”

What this means is that Spielberg, during his filmmaking endeavors, doesn’t feel like he’s creating things solely through his own abilities. Rather than coming up with ideas entirely on his own, he’s always trying to listen to the voice of God. He’s attempting to recognize the inspiration that permeates the universe. And then, he’s striving to shape that inspiration into the form of movies.

So, he wants God to say, “You really listened well to your own inner voice,” when welcoming him.

Incidentally, John Lennon is said to have uttered, “Thank you, God,” when inspiration for lyrics struck him.

Top-tier artists often have the perspective that their works are something they “receive” rather than “create.”

In a famous anecdote, Mozart composed by transcribing melodies that appeared in his mind onto sheet music, rather than relying on instruments. He described it as if music was coming down from the heavens into his head.

Mozart, too, was attuned to the voice (music) of God.